- Prof. Dr. Dirk Saller
Funktion(en) | Kontaktdaten | Sprechzeiten | ||
Studiengangsleitung Angewandte Informatik |
Expertise / interests
- Research and industrial projects in the field of production analytics,
- Organizational development processes in companies,
- Innovation and knowledge management,
- Higher education and education policy
Leadership positions and committee mandates
- Member of the Supervisory Board of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (since 2019)
- Member of the Advisory Board of Bundesliga Club TSG 1899 Hoffenheim (9.2020-2.2024)
- Head of Computer Science at DHBW Mosbach (since 2014)
- Chairman of the Economic Committee of the DHBW (2016-2019)
- Member of the Senate of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (2010-2014 and 2015-2019)
- Member of the Quality Assurance Commission of the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (2010-2014)
- Chairman of the Advisory Board of SLV Mannheim (2009-2017)
- Member of the Expert Group of the German Council of Science and Humanities for the Evaluation of the University of Cooperative Education Saxony
- Rector of the DHBW Mosbach (2011-2014) with the campuses Bad Mergentheim, Heilbronn and Mosbach
- Chairman of the Technical Commission of the DHBW (2010-2014)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Regional Association VDI North Baden-Palatinate (2006-2011)
- Vice-Rector and Dean of Technology at DHBW Mannheim (2006-20011)
- Head of Information Technology at the University of Cooperative Education Mannheim (2004-2006)
- November 2023: Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Florence (I)
- Sept. 2021-Feb. 2022: Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Siena (I) as well as research cooperation with an Italian professor at the University of Siena. production companies as part of a research semester.
- May/June 2018: Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of the University of Florence (I)
- since 2014: Professor as head of the degree programme at the DHBW Mosbach in the Applied Computer Science course
- 2011-2014: Rector at DHBW Mosbach
- Since 2009: Member of the research network of Prof. P. Federighi (Education), University of Florence
- 2009-2017: Management consultant with long-standing mandates at an international automotive company and an F1 racing team, with a focus on innovation management
- 2006-2011: Vice-Rector and Dean of Technology at DHBW Mannheim
- 2004-2006: Professor as Head of Studies at the DHBW Mannheim in the Information Technology International course
- 2001-2006: Managing Partner of a consulting firm with a focus on knowledge management in technology companies
- 1999-2004: Part-time lecturer at the University of Cooperative Education Mannheim and freelance lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen
- Since 1997: Member of the research group of Prof. M. Modugno (Mathematical Physics), University of Florence
- 1997-2002: Consultant for vulnerability assessments and related IT concepts in the food production and telecommunications sector
- 1997-2001: Doctorate summa laude in mathematics at the University of Mannheim in cooperation with the University of Florence
- 1991-1996: Studies of physics at the Universities of Heidelberg and Pisa
Teaching competences
- Methodical:
- Technical degree programs,
- interdisciplinary seminar-based teaching concepts,
- project-based learning, hybrid teaching
- Spectrum of content of the "classical" courses:
- Mathematics - various topics
- Physics - various topics
- Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
- Introduction to (technical) systems theory
- Introduction to Project Management
- Introduction to Knowledge Management
- Introduction to Innovation Management
- Introduction to Data Science, Application Projects Production Analytics and Text Mining
Projects with third party funds
- 2008-2011: MathX3 / Establishment of Competence Center for Mathematics and Natural Sciences Entrance Requirements (Alstom funding)
- 2009-2011: Sustainable Energy Systems / Development of a Technology Park with Conductive Sand and Sustainable Energy Systems (Funded by ABB)
- 2017-18: SysiMaL / Systematic Search for Indicators for Machine Learning (funded by Deutsche Bundesbank)
- 2018-2020: WatchIT / Repercussions of digitalisation on banking supervision (funded by the Deutsche Bundesbank)
- 2019 KIMES / Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Execution Systems (funded by the state of Baden-Württemberg, with Fraunhofer IPA and MPDV GmbH)
- 2022-2023: Sustainability of University teaching and learning during war in Ucraine (funded by DAAD)
- 2021-2023: WatchIT / Repercussions of digitalisation on banking supervision (funded by the Deutsche Bundesbank)
Publications in Artificial Intelligence / Data Science (as of August 2021)
Saller, D & Kumova BI (2021)
Mining Causal Hypotheses in Categorical Time Series by Iterating on Binary Correlations
Conference paper at Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction CD-MAKE 21,
published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (2021), Eds. Holzinger, Kieseberg, Min Tjoa, Weippl
pp. 99-114
Saller, D, Hennebold, C & Kumova BI (2020)
Detecting Causalities in Production Environments using Time Lag Identification with Cross-Correlation in Production State Time Series
Conference paper at 19th International Conference, ICAISC 2020 Zakopane, Poland, October 12–14, 2020, published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Part II (2020), Eds. Rutkowski, Scherer, Korytkowski, Pedrycz, Tadeusiewicz, Zurada,
pp. 243-252
Publications in Educational Sciences (as of December 2021)
Berkling, K., Saller, D., & Winter, C. (2021).
Self-Assessment of Competencies by Bachelor Students in Computer Science.
Form@re - Open Journal per la formazione in rete, 21
(3), 11-24.
Berkling, K, Saller, D, & Winter, C (2021
)Online Learning Readiness - Determining Key Factors that Distinguish University Students who Feel Comfortable with Online StudiesIn L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, & I. Candel Torres (Eds.),
ICERI Proceedings, ICERI2021 Proceedingspp. 6962–6970
Möbs, S, Berkling, K, Saller, D (2021)
Teaching and Learning in times of Coronain Distance Learning: experiences from the lockdown, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Linguistica - Università della CalabriaN. 28/2020, pp. 103-117.
ISBN 978-88-255-4133-5
“Kompetenzzentrum mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliches Basiswissen: Online Selbsttest MathX³”
("Centre of Excellence for Basic Mathematical and Scientific Knowledge: Online Self-Test MathX³"), in e-teaching.org Special Topic E-Assessment, March 2010 (together with Katja Derr, Reinhold Hübl)
“MathX³ - Ein Online Selbsttest für Schüler”,("MathX³ - An Online Self-Test for Pupils"), in merz Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik, issue 2009/05 (together with K. Derr, T. Fried, B. Hornung)
“MathX³ - Online-Selbsttest zur Basiskompetenz Mathematik”, ("MathX³ - Online Self-Test for the Basic Competence of Mathematics") (http://www.mathx3.de), in ZFHE Journal of Higher Education Development, 7.6.09, (together with K. Derr, T. Fried, B. Hornung)
“Basiskompetenz Mathematik - Fundament des Ingenieurberufs”,("Basic Competence Mathematics - Foundation of the Engineering Profession"), in Zukunftsmotor Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar 10/2008 (together with K. Derr, T. Fried, B.Hornung)
Publications in mathematical physics (as of Dezember 2018)
„Infinitesimal symmetries in Covariant Quantum Mechanics“, published in "Quantum Theory and Symmetries with Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (Volume 255, 2018) (together with J. Jansyka, M. Modugno)
„Classification of infinitesimal symmetries in covariant classical mechanics“, in Journal of Mathematical Physics, 47, 6 (2006), 6824-6842 ((together with M. Modugno, J. Tolksdorf)
„Covariant quantum mechanics and quantum symmetries“, in Proceedings on „Recent Developments in General Relativity“, Genoa (2000) ((together with J. Janyska, M. Modugno)
„A differential equations approach to Hamiltonian systems“, in Reports on Mathematical Physics, Vol. 49 (2002), No 2/3, ((together with W. Seiler, D. Fesser)
„Symmetries in covariant classical mechanics“, in Journal of Mathematical Physics, 41, 10 (2000), 6824-6842 (together with R. Vitolo)